How can you be confident that your new home will be built to the highest standard?
It’s perfectly normal for people who are looking to build their home to be concerned about the quality of the builder they’re choosing…Especially since building your dream home isn’t something you do regularly and is likely to be one of the biggest investments that you’ll ever make.
When you consider that much of the finished work is covered-up by the time you move in, how can you be confident that there are no problems hidden away from sight?
It’s important you take precautions to ensure that your home doesn’t have any structural issues, walls that aren’t straight or any other defects that leave you wishing you’d chosen another builder. Then there’s the costly repair bill to get your home up to standard... Nobody wants to be in that position.
Get Busy Planning…
As Abraham Lincoln famously said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
It’s the same with your home build – put the time into researching builders in your area. Ask lots of questions, until you have a shortlist. This will make the process less stressful when the building work begins.
Knowledge is power – the more you know, the more informed your decisions will be and the more successful the ultimate outcome will be.
Choosing a builder who will create your dream home with a high-quality finish doesn’t have to be daunting. And, when you get this right, you’ll be able to enjoy your new home right away.
Employed Builders Vs Sub-Contractors...
Whilst you may think each builder is the same, there are some key differences that will have a fundamental impact on the quality of your build.
By working with a builder who employs, rather than sub-contracts, you can feel confident that they’ll have greater control over your build. Plus, you’ll have the added benefit of enjoying a higher quality of build by craftsman - rather than sub-contractors, who are on piece-rate.
Builders who use sub-contractors don’t have enough workflow to be able to employ craftsman. They are also at the mercy of whether or not subcontractors will turn up and complete the job on time. When you consider that over 91% of builders don’t have a plan, this could leave your build with costly delays.
Whilst the perception is that all builders employ their carpenters and other tradespeople, this isn’t always the case... And it’s unlikely that they’ll disclose the truth about their labour; or they may tell you that ‘it’s cheaper to sub-contract’.
That’s simply not true. In fact, builders who employ carpenters are more cost effective, for a number of reasons...
When the team is directly employed by the builder, they are cutting out the middleman - who would have their own administration and operating costs.
Employees Are On Your Team
Effectiveness, in terms of accountability, also plays a major role, as builders have complete control over their schedule of work; thus removing delays and ensuring project momentum is maintained. With a dedicated workforce, builders are also able to raise standards and ensure they always follow the methodology the company sets out.
Workflow processes are streamlined, everyone on the team will already be used to working together and understand the expectations of their clients, rather than just being brought in for a small part of the project. This reduces costly mistakes and issues in the build; providing you with confidence that your new home will be completed to a high standard, on time and on budget.
In the event of any issues or snags, your builder will be able to quickly reach a resolution, as they’re completely accountable for the finished home. There will be no delay in gathering information or waiting for calls to be returned from sub-contractors who have already been paid for the work and moved on to their next job… They may no longer even be in the same location, which can lead to frustration and more delays.
Overall, your project will run more smoothly, as the team building your home is able to coordinate materials and trades efficiently and effectively; rather than having to oversee a team of sub-contractors who may not even turn up.
You Deserve A High Quality Home…
When you begin planning the design and build of your new home, being able to identify your builder’s labour resources may seem like a relatively minor consideration.
However, a builder who employs their team directly will provide you with that high-quality home you’ll want to share and enjoy with your friends and family.
This allows them to plan the project in detail and - if some aspects need to be moved - they can be rescheduled quickly and easily, in comparison to waiting for sub-contractor availability.
Discover the secrets to building your perfect new home and avoid making costly mistakes.